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Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Viate
Full Name                   : Achmad Diar Ajiprasetia
Gender                        : Male
Place,Date of Birth    : Jakarta 19 Desember 1992
Height                         : 165 cm
Religion                      : Islam
Address                       : Jl.Willis B No.4 Komplek Lereng Indah,Cinere
Mobile                                    : 02149023222
E-mail                          :
From School               : SMK Bunda Kandung

My Family
                Assalamualaikum, my name is Achmad Diar Aji Prasetia, you can call me Diar. Before I write about my family, I’ll write about myself first. I’m an Otaku (Anime Maniak) but still biginer(not an expert) I very like watching an anime because I really want to go to Japan.I like Japanese culture,their language, and above that is their spirit and level of disiplince
My fathers name is Setiawanto, he is ex-worker from Honda, he just retired 2 years ago, my mothers name is Ike Atikah Azhuri, she works at social ministry Department of Indonesia. I am the last of the fourth Childern, I have 2 sisters and 1 brother, the olderst is “mbak fani” now, she works with my mother. My mother and father is entrepreneurial, the next older is “mas rama” he work in the karmalita as accountan, and older sister above me is mbak rani, she work as teacher
                All of my sisters and brother is already married, they live far from the parents except my brother, he live with his wife and child in my parents houses,  but I’m is very bored in the home, because in my house is always quiet and I always lonely, both my parents or my brother is always busy with their own works.
                My house is not big enough, but always quiet and boring, I really hate it, that’s why I always busy with my own world(anime world) and I hope I can go to Japan someday

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